Views: 5835679
ISO 9001:2015 Certified Company
Dipak Makadia
(LIC COT Wealth Advisor)
(Vibes) Life Ins. Advisor
Makadia Lifecare ISO 9001:2015 Certified Company
G/201, Satva Balaji, Opp. Prathna Exotica, Near Devasya School Cross Road, Nikol - Haridarshan Road, Nikol, Ahmedabad- 382350 M- 9429211958
Office - 9106237672

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MAKADIA LIFECARE, ISO 9001:2015 Certified Company. Welcome you to our website. This is a small attempt from my side to provide all my customers all the information & service they...
MAKADIA LIFECARE, ISO 9001:2015 Certified Company. Welcome you to our website. This is a small attempt from my side to provide all my customers all the information & service they might require on their fingertips – at a time of their convenience.
We are proud member of “ GALAXY CLUB” of LIC of INDIA, and We Honored for several times on POLICIY BASIS, PREMIUM BASIS, SATKVIR AGENT, Qualified MDRT since 2011, Qualified for COT Since 2020,by dignitaries of LIC of INDIA for the become a ranker of AHMEDABAD DIVISION, GUJARAT and WESTERN ZONE of LIC OF INDIA as a Supervised Agent. In the year of 2021 we have completed MDRT 3 times within one year. This year HISTORY CREATED IN AHMEDABAD DIVISION
1st MDRT -2023 IN ONE DAY & 1st DAY ( Continuous 16 Time MDRT) As a big archive I continously qualified for MDRT(Million Dollar Round Table) is club in USA , for the qualifications January to December must collact 40 lakh premium of first premium . You can see in Ahmedabad devision, there are morthan 17000 agent. From them only 1% agent are qualified for the MDRT. I achieved Continously 15 time MDRT.
I have 5000 policy + 4000 policy due to agents unresponsibility. Total 9000 polices portfolio he has. I served 15000 families.
My vision is to give LIC security gard to all
BY this all achievement achieved due to support of our esteemed customer , friends and wel wishers.
We are offering very interesting Services .The Purpose of this website is to give 24 X 7 Accurate , Prompt & Handy services to the consumers by their individual log in id and Password. This website is a quick glance for my consumers to reviewing their Insurance & Investment related information at any point of time. We always plan for customer as per their requirement and using the policy as a tool for the same. So, we are providing the best tailor made planning for customer and design the plan as per their requirement.And recently initiated Android apps in Android apps store by name of “ Lic Dipak Makadia”, This apps has also individual login id and password for every family, so they can access their Existing policy status, like Policy report till 100 year age, Monthwise premium calendar, Year wise Cashflow chart ,Present risk cover,Available Loans on existing policies, and many more, anytime, anywhere.
I Dipak Makadia pursued M.Sc. on 1989 in Bhavan's Science Collage . I started my profession in teaching . Teaching Math for std 8 to 10 As a part of my cariar, I added new milestone as a writer in pathik prakashan MATHS STD- 10 In 2006 I accept his principal job at Chanakya vidhya sankul Nikol Ahmedabad. In 2004 I began with LIC of India . Few year later , In 2010 he resign from the principal's job and run LIC full time.
To upgrade my knowledge in the Insurance sector, I have done Basic Course, Advance Course, Plan course & Life time member of Commitment Course from “Indian Institute Of Excellence”. I Have Completed CROWN AMBASSADOR COURSE also This course is specifically design for Planning of Industrialist and Businessmen Insurance. This kind of Insurance planning aid to cover Succession Risk, Business protection planning, Wealth Creation, Liability Hedging , Profit Hedging etc.. And successfully completed 'CERTIFIED FINANCIAL PLANNING ' Course also for help to customer.
We have been working as a Life Insurance Advisor for 19 years. Now, we are even starting to help customer for General Insurance also, like House Insurance, Car Insurance, Office Insurance, Factory Insurance, Mediclaim Policy,Workmen compensation policy etc.
"Makadia Lifecare" is basically working for RESPECTFULLY LIFE of every person of society. Person Missing self respect in main three stage of life, Retirement stage, Disability stage and Demise stage of key person of Family. We try to cover financial protect by replacing of current income of KEY PERSON in any stage of LIFE.
We as a Team:
My TEAM is focused on policy services by various way, Automated as well as Manually. like Premium Reminder , Survival Benefit, Maturity of Existing Policies, Help for Loans, Address Changes, Nominee Changes, Assignment and Reassignment of policies, Introduction of New plans by Email , Massages, Person Calls, Etc. And Try to do best for Financial Need of Customer and identify the financial problems of customer and try to give solutions and services at doorstep of customer. Vidhi Insurance has Target to provide as much possible door step services to 11,111 Families by 2020. 25,000 families by 2025 and 1,00,000 Families by 2030.
We are having a Personalized Customer Advisory Service, a technically well equipped office. Our organization is made up of a young, expert and dynamic team of professionals. Till date we are providing services to approx 2400+ families and more than 10,000 policies. We have been serving around 4500 orphan policies & assist several clients for their various financial requirements.
Day by day our customer group is growing and we also trying to keep touch to every customer. Ratio of awareness of customer is also increasing very high. They can take information of all kind of insurance from our website without any hesitation. Even They can manage their portfolio by self and without disclosure to anybody.
Achievements Section:
Serving Society since 1997 Chairman club member of LIC of INDIA, Galaxy Club Member of LIC of INIDA,MDRT CLUB MEMBERSHIP ( USA ) Since 2011 Court Of The Table Club Membership ( USA ) Since 2021 GALAXY CLUB Member Of Lic Of India since 2020 Top Ranker Of Ahmedabad Division and Gujarat Top Ranker Supervised Agent Of Western Zone( Gujarat, Maharashtra & Goa) of LIC OF INDIA Awards


All in one insurance Consultant for All your Insurance Needs

We the team of Financial Planning & Insurance services since 2004. Its been 17 years in this industry . We are Protecting 15000+ Families through our :

Makadia Life Care
Dipak Makadia (Lic COT Wealth Advisor) Continues 17 Time MDRT
+91 9429211958


Dipak Makadia
Dipak Makadia
Dipak Makadia
Dipak Makadia
Dipak Makadia
Dipak Makadia
Dipak Makadia
Dipak Makadia
Dipak Makadia
Dipak Makadia
Dipak Makadia
Dipak Makadia
Dipak Makadia
Dipak Makadia
Dipak Makadia
Dipak Makadia
Dipak Makadia
Dipak Makadia
Dipak Makadia
Dipak Makadia
Dipak Makadia
Dipak Makadia
Dipak Makadia
Dipak Makadia
Dipak Makadia
Dipak Makadia
Dipak Makadia
Dipak Makadia
Dipak Makadia
Dipak Makadia
Dipak Makadia
Dipak Makadia
Dipak Makadia
Dipak Makadia
Dipak Makadia
Dipak Makadia
Dipak Makadia
Dipak Makadia
Dipak Makadia
Dipak Makadia
Dipak Makadia
Dipak Makadia
Dipak Makadia
Dipak Makadia
Dipak Makadia
Dipak Makadia
Dipak Makadia
Dipak Makadia


Vehicle Insurence


Health (Medical) Insurance


Employee Employer Insurance Scheme


Marine Insurance


Key Man Insurance


Proparty Insurance


Travel Insurance





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